Club holds first official virtual meeting
History was made last week as we held our first official virtual meeting opening our new season 2020-2021.
After introductions to each other, follow by an overview of our syllabus and what we will do this year. In the second half of the evening we were able to enjoy pictures that members had worked on over lockdown and summer months. It was interesting to share with them what areas of interest have encouraged them over the summer as well as the places they have visited to either enjoy themselves or improve their photography. It was most enjoyable
We finished the evening with a quiz hosted by club member Gary Bradley so we had an action packed evening with interesting conversations.
It was great to see members new and old at the virtual meeting and share in conversation. We would to reach out to members who maybe thinking that virtual meetings isn't for them and try a Thursday evening with us. It's easy to join in using the provided we link (we send this out prior to the evening), sit in the background, listen and see pictures, so don't think it's not for you.
Unfortunately we are in a new world for now and we have no other option and we know you will gain from catching up with us all each week, as we will from having you with us, so please join the fun and be part of the Club this year
Also, any other Local photographers are invited to develop their skills with Greenock Camera club by contacting us to join and share in the interest of Photography during this time . The clubs winter season continues this Thursday 22nd October with weekly ‘virtual meetings’ being held via WebEx video conferencing technology (similar to Zoom).  Whether you are an experienced photographer or just starting out and using a phone camera, you will be made most welcome. To find out more, email for information on how to join our meeting on Thursday 22nd October 2020 at 19:30. Alternatively, visit the club Facebook page or visit their website at to find out more about the club. This week we have a lecturette and tips in the first half of the evening followed by the review of the weekly 52 week challenge pictures