Second Chance Competition
Hi All, this week sees the first "competition" night in the form of the Second Chance open competition.
A great chance to show your images and get some feedback beofre the 1st monthly rolls around. I have attached the rules below and how images can be sent in.
If you can, please send them over ASAP!!!
Second Chance Competition Rules
1. The Second Chance Competition is open to all club members (excluding members that won any trophy in the previous year who are ineligible to enter).
2. Up to six images can be submitted by eligible members and can include images used in previous competitions.
3. The competition will be judged by three club members (that are ineligible to compete in the competition) or invited guest judges. Details of judges to be ideally confirmed before start of season.
4. Judges of the ‘Second Chance’ competition cannot enter the competition.
5. Images will be shown on the night of the competition with two showings of the images. The second showing of the image will receive marks out of 5 from each judge.
6. The scores from the second ‘Second Chance’ competition does not count towards a member’s league position.
Entries can be sent to or brought along on the night via USB